Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Grab some coffee...

...this is a BIG one, LOL!
The kids are home from their honeymoon at Doe Bay on Orcas Island in the San Juans, and Sam got the discs from the photographer on Monday. It didn't take me long to 'borrow' one, so I could get started on scrapping! Here are some of my favorites from the set:

Oaks Pioneer Church in Portland

I LOVE this one!

They're so cute together...

Sam & her bridesmaids

Dietrich & his groomsmen (and woman)

Soooooooooo much food (it was potluck)!

No comment required...


The last week has been really odd...kind of a letdown after all the preparation and scurrying around frantically...suddenly it's over and we're all sort of "what now?"
But life goes on...Jen spent most of this last Sunday night in the E.R. again...she now has some kind of 'new & improved' migraine that the meds she had didn't touch. She woke up with it Sunday morning, but it wasn't until one side of her face started tingling that evening that we decided to go in. So from about 7:30PM till 3AM we sat in one of the Acute rooms waiting for someone to decide what to do with her. It wasn't till shift change and one of the docs she used to work with came on that things finally started to happen...unfortunately, migraines are one of those things determined by 'exclusion' more than anything. After telling them "her dad lost his vision due to glaucoma, and her grandfather died of an undiagnosed brain tumor" they decided a CT might not be a bad idea after all! All normal, so change the migraine med back to what worked before...and Son of a Gun, whaddaya know...some Zomig, a few hours sleep and no more migraine! That's why they call it "practicing medicine"...OY!
Other than that, there's really not much going on here...we've had some sunny days (finally!) but we've got rain again tonight and for the next day or so. But the holiday weekend is supposed to be nice. Maybe I'll even grill something! I finally talked PB into getting a gas grill, so we've got one on the deck now...I did rib-eye steaks with grilled red peppers, zucchini and onions a few days back...YUM! Maybe I'll try just burgers next...I'm new to this, so it's trial and error, LOL. So far, so good...'s late, and I'm losing my train of I think I'll head for bed. I want to start scrapping some of those photos tomorrow and I'll try to remember to post what I do. Have a great rest of the week, wherever you are!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

May I introduce...

...Samantha & Dietrich F.!

Sam & Dietrich, and Nathan (my grandson, Sam's brother, the Best Man)

Cake from JaCiva's !

Samantha beautiful Boo
I wish I had more to share, but I have a lot of shots of the backs of bald heads and other assorted body parts in MY photos! We got 9 out of 10 of the disposable cameras back (we're pretty sure we know who took one, LOL) and they all seem to be full! When I have them put on CD, I'll try to get a couple more photos up...but in the meantime, THIS is what all the work and fuss was for!
Everyone was exhausted by the time we got home last night, and basically just crashed into bed. The newlyweds are spending the weekend and Father's Day with Dietrich's dad, who came back from Peru (I guess he's a bush pilot) for his son's wedding. Then they're going someplace called Doe Bay up in the San Juan Islands for their honeymoon.
So...everyone had a great time, there was SO much food we all ended up bringing some home...the weather was PERFECT, about 74 and beautiful (as opposed to today, it's raining again, LOL!) and poor Jen has to drive the cousins back to Newport today, UGH.
And Yes, her tattoo does say 'Baby'...and the paw print is of the Russian Blue kitty she grew up with. The vet sent them a paw print in plaster with his name on it after he died, and she had it copied for her tat. She also has a treble clef on the back of her right shoulder since she was in both choir and band in school. Some of the girls she was in a cappella with were her bridesmaids, they're all still good friends.
All right, time for more tea...and possibly a nap later, LOL...all that excitement is hard on an old lady!
Have a great weekend all!