Monday, March 19, 2012

The continuing saga...

continues... Oy Vey!

O.K., so PB had a 2nd MRI on the 14th...of her neck & spine this time, ordered by the new orthopod. She had a follow-up appt. with him today. He has now referred her to a Neurosurgeon, since the MRI shows a pretty seriously herniated cervical disk...between C6/C7. So now we wait for a call telling us where/when she sees THIS doc.

She's very frustrated, tired of hurting, and anxious about how the people in charge at work feel about her being out for so long. We've made sure they have gotten a copy of everything from the doctors, plus whatever they need for the Workman's Comp. claim...even so, she's worried that they're 'pissed off' at her. I seriously doubt it, but the two guys who are her immediate bosses are not known for their 'caring' personalities. Not Gordon Ramsey, but not Paula Deen either, LOL! So now we wait some more...GAH! Other than that, there really isn't much of anything going on...we're all in sort of a holding pattern...

We've had, in the last 5-7 days: Rain, snow, rain, pea-sized hail, rain, snow and it's freakin' COLD! And tomorrow is the first day of Spring, right?! I repeat...Oy Vey! Daffodils are up, trees are blooming, birdies are chirpin' up a storm and staking out nest spots...and it's f*cking SNOWING! This has been one of the weirdest winters in a LONG time... Jen's Fibro is flaring like crazy, my kneecaps feel like someone hammered a two-penny nail into each one...PB's shoulder/arm/back is in nearly constant pain... Yeah, we're a fun bunch to be around...NOT!

Here's wishing for warmer and drier days, better news on the medical front, and general hope for a better, brighter tomorrow...not necessarily in that order...


  1. WOW! It IS a saga! So lovely to hear you finally have some direction to move in, maybe not a clear path, but at this point even a direction is better than nothing!

    Love to PB, Hang in there Darlin!!

    1. Hoping she gets some answers and some relief soon!!!
