Saturday, January 29, 2011

The GOOD news is...

I didn't publicly go Postal and commit a felony...the bad news is: I REALLY WANTED TO! I didn't even open my sarcastic mouth and embarrass my sis and myself in Goodwill last night! It would appear that my tolerance for stupid/ignorant people is getting lower as I get older...or something. But when I'm out in public, I really don't think I should have to listen when group of 3 adults spread all over the store decides to start shouting back and forth to one another: "Where's (kid #1)? Is she with you?" "Yeah, she's right here!" "Hey, (kid #2) do you hafta PEE?! C'mon, let's go PEE!" "(Kid #3) I gotsa PEE too!" "(Kid #1) But I don't gotta PEE!" Mind you, one group is in the checkout line, one group in middle of the store, and the 3rd somewhere in the back!

I kept my mouth shut...honest...but I think my ears were steaming by the time we finally got out of there. The one woman in the checkout line in front of us kept looking at me like she wasn't sure she was going to get out before I blew, LOL. Seriously, how many of your bodily functions am I required to participate in?!
Is it wrong of me to expect other people to be somewhat discreet about these things, or at least as much I as am? Is there some new level of 'open communication' that I missed after my kids grew up? I hope not!
OK, I'm done now...I feel better...thanks for listening...

The high note of the evening was that I found a Bill Bryson book I haven't read! "The Lost Continent-Travels in Small-Town America". If you haven't read any of his books...DO! He is funny, irreverent, and has a sharp eye for human nature. I personally recommend "In A Sunburned Country" and "A Walk in The Woods". The first is about his trip to Australia, the second his adventures on The Appalachian Trail. Both well worth the time!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Waffle waffle waffle...

Waffle is a funny word...but they sure are good! We bought a waffle iron this month, and we also have the good fortune to live only a few miles from Bob's Red Mill ( so we can visit their little store anytime. Most local grocers carry their products as well. I made some of their 10 Grain Pancake & Waffle mix up tonight, and we had waffles and thin-cut smoked pork chops for dinner. NOMNOMNOM!
Now I need to go back and find Jodiann's recipe for Sour Milk Chocolate waffles to try next.

I have so much admiration and love for Jodiann and her family! They make room in their home and hearts for animals that need help. She's doing something we can't do...not because we wouldn't like to, but because we don't have the means...but if I had $$$ to spare, I would certainly send them to her. Living in a manufactured home park has a great many restrictions, and the management company has VERY strict regulations regarding pets! I understand them, but I don't particularly LIKE them. We have our 2 indoor kitties, and they have 1800+sq. ft. to live and play in, so they're fine.  They do go outside once in a while, but not often, they're not supposed to be out at all...but we bend the rules a little from time to time. Back when we lived in a house, we always ended up with stray kitties coming to live with girls used to say I had a sign on my forehead that only cats could said "Sucker"! I think the most we ever had was 5 adults plus at least one litter of kittens.

So I'm off to find the Choccy Waffle recipe and print it off...then probably load up Sims 3 and play that for a's my newest addiction, LOL. I love building and remodeling the little houses and furnishing them with loads of stuff for the Simmies...I'm easily amused...meh, it keeps me out of the Bingo parlor, LOL!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Such a warm welcome...

...was unexpected, but certainly appreciated! Especially from 2 experienced bloggers that I respect and admire so much. Thanks ladies, it was a very pleasant surprise. There really are nice people on the interwebs, it just seems that the NOT so nice ones make the news and cause consternation and frustration for so many.

The internet is such an amazing thing to me...on the days when I don't take it completely for granted, that is. When my sis and I bought our first computer, we had hopes of getting our elderly housebound mother on it to try and expand her horizons by using it for exploration and possibly communication with her family in Minnesota. Much to our dismay however, she absolutely refused to have anything to do with it...she insisted she was "too old & too stupid" to try! And nothing we did or said could change her mind. She died in 2000, a few months short of her 84th birthday, without ever having even looked at a monitor or touching a still makes me sad sometimes. There is so much out there that would have fascinated her and given her something to do besides watch TV while PB (my baby sister) and I were at work all day.

The two of us have never looked back since that first clunky PC...we only had the one for a long time, but finally broke down and each got our own, LOL. No more fighting over it! Now we each have a desktop, I have a laptop, and my youngest daughter, J (who lives with us) has her own "desktop replacement" laptop (it's huge!). One household, 4 PCs...but only one cellphone (J's) and no Ipods, Ipads, or other tech gadgets. Unless you count my 1.5T back up my 1T PC to...yeah, lots of digi-scrapping kits and photos and such...

I'm thankful every day for this "window" to the can make me laugh, cry, and examine my beliefs and well as allowing me to interact with amazing, talented, funny and friendly people!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Everybody has to start somewhere, I guess...

So this is my first foray into the wild world of blogging! Hello Internet, how the heck are ya'? You seem fine to me, and I spend an inordinate amount of time wandering around in here most days.
I've been thinking about blogging for quite a while now...but never worked up the nerve to actually do it. But a friend seems to think I might have "something to say", so here I am. I talk to myself all the time anyway...this way maybe it'll jog my memory when I get sidetracked (which is often!)
There are already so many articulate and erudite bloggers that it's impossible to keep up with them all...but I can't stop trying. So much information and education available...FREE! All you have to do is open your browser and your mind. I never knew just how much I didn't know until I discovered the internet...but I'm doing my best to get caught up! It may take me a while though...
So...first post...we'll see how good I am about keeping it up. Hopefully, it can become a routine...and I kinda need some of that in my life right now.