Thursday, January 27, 2011

Waffle waffle waffle...

Waffle is a funny word...but they sure are good! We bought a waffle iron this month, and we also have the good fortune to live only a few miles from Bob's Red Mill ( so we can visit their little store anytime. Most local grocers carry their products as well. I made some of their 10 Grain Pancake & Waffle mix up tonight, and we had waffles and thin-cut smoked pork chops for dinner. NOMNOMNOM!
Now I need to go back and find Jodiann's recipe for Sour Milk Chocolate waffles to try next.

I have so much admiration and love for Jodiann and her family! They make room in their home and hearts for animals that need help. She's doing something we can't do...not because we wouldn't like to, but because we don't have the means...but if I had $$$ to spare, I would certainly send them to her. Living in a manufactured home park has a great many restrictions, and the management company has VERY strict regulations regarding pets! I understand them, but I don't particularly LIKE them. We have our 2 indoor kitties, and they have 1800+sq. ft. to live and play in, so they're fine.  They do go outside once in a while, but not often, they're not supposed to be out at all...but we bend the rules a little from time to time. Back when we lived in a house, we always ended up with stray kitties coming to live with girls used to say I had a sign on my forehead that only cats could said "Sucker"! I think the most we ever had was 5 adults plus at least one litter of kittens.

So I'm off to find the Choccy Waffle recipe and print it off...then probably load up Sims 3 and play that for a's my newest addiction, LOL. I love building and remodeling the little houses and furnishing them with loads of stuff for the Simmies...I'm easily amused...meh, it keeps me out of the Bingo parlor, LOL!


  1. Hey Sweetness! You talking about me again? My ears were burning! All good stuff too! LOL!

    Gracie is doing SO much better and its only day 3 of our foster with her. I am always amazed how much a foster animal can blossom once they get even the minimum of care.

    Your two furkids are lucky to have you! How about a few pictures of them? The world needs a few Ahhhs!

    Happy Weekend Waffle Lover!


  2. Bowing to the queen of apple cider & butterscotch shots. *hic*

    Cooties are all gone but I'm hungover. LMAO!! Kicked their ass to the curb! :P
