Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Graham crackers...

...and a tub of vanilla frosting...cinnamon toast and tea with lots of milk and cocoa and buttered toast. All variations of the "comfort food" we've been eating here this week, LOL. It's funny how sometimes you just need that little something that Mom used to fix for you when you were small and sickly. It can make you feel like you're being cared for, even though you have to make it for yourself.
I had to run out for milk last night, so stopped at Subway and got us all sandwiches...$5 footlongs, you know. Jen and PB each had the Spicy Italian, and I had a BLT. Pretty good, PB said she could even almost TASTE hers, LOL!
This crud has hit her the worst, she has no voice, or only a croak...runny nose, cough, sore throat, earaches, chest congestion...the works! And she works in Food Service, so she REALLY shouldn't be there as long as she's still germy. She hardly ever calls out, so they know it's pretty bad when she does...she's worked in the kitchen at University of Portland for over 30 years and they know she doesn't abuse her sick time! The rest of us (Jen & me) have just been generally puny, achy, and sinus-y (I know that's not a real word, but...) with sore throats and earaches and lots of snot.
It's just been lots of naps, tea, and more naps for the last week...oh yeah, and a couple of loads of laundry, LOL. Our old dryer expired a couple of weeks ago, and we got a new one delivered last Saturday. It's pretty spiffy...and it dries things REALLY quickly too, LOL! And today the answering machine part of the cordless phone went south and started just making odd noises we had to turn it off to make it stop. So looks like a trip to K-Mart or somewhere is is order...we also want to get a "laundry caddy" to put between the washer and dryer to store the detergent, spray-on stain stuff, this, maybe:

So, maybe we'll both feel up to going out tomorrow...I hope so...
Many thanks to all who've sent good wishes for our speedy's appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I am late to the party! Glad you all are feeling a tad bit better! The comfort food you made, got me thinking about saltines and 7 up. That's what I got when I was sick. Real sugar 7 up always made me fell better! LOL!


