Monday, May 23, 2011

OW...I may have sprained something...

...attempting to pat myself on the back, LOL! Seriously though, I am pretty pleased with myself! A couple of months ago, PB brought home a Guest Book from one of those outlet/clearance stores, with the idea of using it for Boo's wedding. However, it was bright red vinyl, with red & black dots on the inside...and Boo's colors are lilac and cream. Um...yeah...not quite right. But she said "Well, we can re-cover it, right?" So we went to the fabric outlet store and found some great stuff for the outside, then we found some 'inside' papers at Joann's that looked good with the fabric...I made some flowers and sparkled them up...and TA-DA!
Here's what the inside paper looked like (I forgot to take a 'before' picture of the whole book)-

And here's what it looks like now-

I'm very happy with how it turned out, and I hope Boo will be too! And yes, that is (or at least used to be) the dining room table, LOL! It's completely covered in papercrafty stuffs...we eat in the living room in front of the TV...doesn't everyone?! ROFL!
So now I'm completely fired up and ready to start another project! I just need to decide what it's going to be. I've got some stuff to make a "mini album", and a couple of plain wood boxes I want to a wall hanging plaque or two (you can see one on the right in the last photo) that I'm already working on. So I'd best get busy and see what else I can do while I seem to have the inclination!


  1. Oh that book is FABULOUS!!!!!!

    The only time I eat at the table is when we have company. Usually it's a place where the cats lounge so they can see the birds.

  2. Super Cool! I love that you transformed it from trash to treasure! More sentimental when you built a memory making it! Pat-Pat-Patty-pat. That's suppose to be me patting your back for you! *grin*
